Výsledky studia analýzy lidství

1337 slovník

16. 5. 2009 18:13
Rubrika: cokoliv

1337 Chart

  • Note:
    • The commas are added to separate symbols
    • The symbol | (Example:  B = |3 ) is a "down-slash", or "pipe", and not a lower-case "L" or capital "i"
    • The symbol ` (Example:  T = 7` ) is not a standard apostrophe, but is a "Grave Accent" and is found on the tilde (~) key
    • Also keep in mind that the use of /-/ for H for example, aren't used nearly as often as the normal letter in a quick conversation. To write an entire sentence this way would take three times as long, thus the quicker single symbol or letter substitutions are more often used.
  • A = 4, /-\, @, ^, /\ , //-\\
  • B = 8, ]3, ]8, |3, |8, ]]3, 13
  • C = (, { , [[, <, €
  • D = ), [}, |), |}, |>, [>, ]]), Ð
  • E = 3, ii, €
  • F = |=,(=, ]]=, ph
  • G = 6, 9, (_>, [[6, &
  • H = #, |-|, (-), )-(, }{, }-{, {-}, /-/, \-\, |~|, []-[], ]]-[[
  • I = 1, !, |, ][, []
  • J = _|, u|, ;_[], ;_[[
  • K = |<, |{, ][<, ]]<, []<
  • L = |,1, |_, []_, ][_, £
  • M = /\/\, |\/|, [\/], (\/), /V\, []V[], \\\, (T), ^^, .\\, //., ][\\//][,
  • N = /\/, |\|, (\), /|/, [\], {\}, ][\][, []\[], ~
  • O = 0, (), [], <>, *, [[]]
  • P = |D, |*, |>, []D, ][D
  • Q = commas are necessary: (,) or 0, or O, or O\ or []\
  • R = |2, |?, |-, ]]2 []2 ][2
  • S = 5, $
  • T = 7, +, ']', 7`, ~|~, -|-, '][', "|", †
  • U = (_), |_|, \_\, /_/, \_/, []_[], ]_[, µ
  • V = \/ , \\//
  • W = \/\/, |/\|, [/\], (/\), VV, ///, \^/, \\/\//, 1/\/, \/1/, 1/1/
  • X = ><, }{, )(, }[
  • Y = '/, %, `/, \j , ``//, ¥, j
  • Z = 2, z, 7_,`/_

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